Hello guys since this year is about to end soon with lots of memories mostly bad with Covid pandemic is still increasing, worldwide lockdown, economic problems and what not has happened in this single year.
However, out of all bad things, something good has also happened like importance for health among people, more love towards each other and first-time entire world has come together to fight a single worst enemy.
SO let's discuss some of the best books published during 2020 which are worth reading so if you haven't read it up till now make sure you do it next year.

Its the autobiography of a super cop Rakesh Maria and how he and Mumbai police have solved various crime case in Mumbai at a time when Mumbai was under top gangsters
Have you ever wondered why you can sleep peacefully at night? Or why you can go to your college or office without worrying about your life?. It's because someone is there to protect us. ⠀
I am talking about the Police force of the country. Who doesn't get much credit for their work, but if anything wrong happens, they are the first to be blamed.⠀
So the story I gonna share with you today is of an ordinary boy from Bandra, a son of a Punjabi musician and a Pahadi housewife, from a family that had no links with the power-wielders or the elite of the city of Mumbai. But then too, he went on to become the DG (Director General) one of the most coveted officers in the police hierarchy.⠀
The starting story cover's his entire childhood that how he entered the police force and then the story gets excited when he deals with the top underworld don of Mumbai from Tiger Memon to Dawood Ibrahim to Chhota Rajan for their involvement in the 1993 Mumbai blasts. Apart from this, it includes a detailed explanation of the arrest of Sanjay Dutt for hiding Ak47 and Arun Gawli is known as "Daddy" for various murder charges.⠀
And the last part is quite sad as it includes, an incident that has put Mumbai into pieces the terrorist attack of 26/11. Where how brave officers like Hemant Karkare, Ashok Kamte, and Tukaram Ombale were martyred, is explained in detail.⠀
Apart from this, he shares his entire tale as to how he got an untimely transfer due to his superior's envy and how fake allegations were put on him. But he dealt with everything courageously.⠀
The book is so close to my heart because it entirely deals with the history of Mumbai ranging from its underworld to politics to Bollywood. A Place where I had my happiest and worst days. ⠀
At last a salute to all 47 thousand lions of Mumbai Police for protecting 1.3cr⠀
Mumbaikars. It's because of them that we can sleep peacefully. A must-read a book for any teen and youths.

Enthusiasm makes up for a host of deficiencies.
A promised land is the first volume of the memoir of Barack Obama who was the 44th president of the United States.
In his first volume, he shares a little bit about his childhood and his courageous mom who had always inspired him. Apart from it, he shares how reading played a great role in his life. He used to read all day while his friends were out to party. Later he realized that it was too much and it would have been better had he spent some time off reading.
After graduation from Columbia University, he joined Harvard law school in 1988 where he became the first black president of Harvard Law Review. From there he could have secured a great job ie: being a clerk at the Supreme court and other national agencies in the U.S but he didn't choose that path instead he rolled back to Chicago and focused on his community work.
A surprise opportunity opened up in 1995 when there was a senator who was convicted for a crime and people were looking for a new senator. Barack took that opportunity and with the help of his friends and Michelle his wife he started the campaign from
Illinois and won the election in 1996.
From then on his political journey started and it took him to the White House although in between he faced many problems personal and political, his marriage was in trouble and he lost his parents and faced betrayals from his colleagues but his love for the country kept him moving ahead.
The book is best for those who have a fire to do something for their country. The book clearly shows the love Obama has for his country. It is a must-read for those who intend to join in politics.

Favorite line- Detachment is not that you own nothing but that nothing should owe you
Think like a monk is the first book written by Jay Shetty. In the book, he describes his experience of being a monk and spending time in an ashram and a lesson he learns from his senior monk.
The book is divided into three-part.
1) Let go
2) Grow
3) Give
Each section has its uniqueness and reason
In the first section, "let's go" explain that to grow in life, first we need to remove and let go of wrong things and people. Things like Fear, Negative, and our own identity that is what you think about yourself as this body should be removed to understand new things.
The second section as named "Grow" shows concepts like Purpose and Routine which are vital elements for growing. Apart from it shows how to control our mind, senses, and our ego while strengthening our intellect
The last section is quite interesting as it shows the power of gratitude and how to build relationships with help of that. It shows that if you are pleased with yourself, everyone will love to stay with you.
I brought the book because of recommendations from my friends and the amazon algorithm, but it's not that's up to the mark. Many times the author has just copy and paste things there were many parts where I got a hell lot of bored and just skip it.
If you have never read any self-help book in your life, then it's better to grab this book, but if you are like me reading a dozen self-help books then you will hardly find anything new in this. Read at your own risk.

Logic behind pandemic😷😷⠀
Review 🙇⠀
After WHO declared coronavirus as a pandemic, I wasn't really aware of this term but slowly after understanding it, my curiosity increased which lead me to read this book. ⠀
This book is all about how pandemic happens and how it can be stopped. The author Steven Taylor gives the example of the 1920 Spanish flu which has killed a lot of lives. Same as today all religious places were closed and people have to wear a mask before going out And same many people weren't ready to listen at that time for which they had to pay a large price ⠀
The occurring of pandemics is new to our generation but looking at history it is not new to the world. Every generation has face pandemic and succeeds it and now it's our time. Just we have to follow certain things⠀
Firstly please don't be extreme negative either positive also just be logical as saying goes prevention is better than cure and take advice from official sources and not from your aunt or uncle. Secondly don't search for blame instead of blaming be emphatic to each one around you. And lastly, trust the government and don't panic because panic only increases stress and anxiety nothing else.⠀ ⠀
Opinion 🙇⠀
These were some fantastic tips in the book. I suggest everyone reading this book since as we are all new to this situation this will surely improve our knowledge regarding pandemic and you will not fall prey to rumors ⠀
The book is quite short and an ebook is available on Google playbook.
This book is focusing on restart our inner self. No matter how hard was the kick given by the pandemic we all have to overcome it, move on. Because this is how life is.
This book motivates me long. If we introspect because of lockdown individual found their hidden talent, a new ownself within themselves. So many people started doing, experimenting with new things so that the bad phase would be bearable. Not only that to some extent people started taking things much seriously. Those little important things which are missed out due to the rat race of life will not be ignored further.
This book is well researched one with every minute details of the universe, diversity, comet, galaxy, geography many more.
The language of the book is very lucid. The plot of the book is highly relevant in the recent context. Everyone should read this book in order to get motivated by how we have confronted this major pandemic worldwide.
The cover could have been better but the title of the book is up to make
Although the year 2020 is about to get over however many problems won't end with it. So do check out all the above books to get guidance and motivation to deal with problems and to get above that.
With that Happy New Year 2021 in advance