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5 Self-help Books Everyone Should Read

Writer's picture: MasterMaster


According to Wikipedia, "A self-help book is one that is written with the intention to instruct its readers on solving personal problems".

We all have experience how pandemic has to bring new problems and struggles in our day-to-day life. With the unemployment level at an all-time high to increase in cases of depression and suicide, there is negativity everywhere. So this is a short effort to share some positivity.

Here are my top 5 self-help books which I recommend everyone to read it as it will give some best life hacks of life and a new way of thinking.

Favorite line- Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.


Mukesh Bansal is an Indian businessman who founded the Indian fashion e-commerce company Myntra and currently serves as the CEO of cure. fit of which he is also the co-founder. Mukesh has been listed in the Best 40 Under 40 Entrepreneurs by Fortune magazine..

Coming now to the book it is based upon decades of research in human performance and mastery.

The core theme of the book is to make the readers believe that everyone can become a genius if they have the right tools and passion.

The author portrait a 12 steps guide which shows of hero either fiction or real are form

Which are as follows

1) Ordinary life adventure - ( All hero starts ordinarily)

2) Call to adventure - (He becomes aware of a great adventure)

3) Refusal to call-

4) Meeting the Mentors

5) Crossing the threshold

6) Test, Enemies and allies-( He meets his true friends and enemies )

7) Approach to innermost curve- (Comes face to face with ultimate danger)

8) Ordeal ( Battle for success begins )

9) Reward- ( He won the battle)

10) The road back- ( He goes back to where he started from)

11) Resurrection- (Final challenge which is greater than his life )

12) Return with the Elixir- ( Back to the ordinary world after achieving all the success and inner peace.


Secondly, the author talks about "deliberated practice"...

Here deliberate practice plays the role and becomes a key differentiator.

"Deliberate practice involves breaking down what you are trying to learn into smaller elements and specifically focusing on each step, pushing yourself beyond your comfort zone, and doing it again and again".

Deliberate practice becomes a key differentiator between those who become Master and those who stay average.


Favorite line- Detachment is not that you own nothing but that nothing should owe you


Think like a monk is the first book written by Jay Shetty. In the book, he describes his experience of being a monk and spending time in an ashram and a lesson he learns from his senior monk.

The book is divided into three-part.

1) Let go

2) Grow

3) Give

Each section has its uniqueness and reason

In the first section, "let's go" explain that to grow in life, first we need to remove and let go of wrong things and people. Things like Fear, Negative, and our own identity that is what you think about yourself as this body should be removed to understand new things.

The second section as named "Grow" shows concepts like Purpose and Routine which are vital elements for growing. Apart from it shows how to control our mind, senses, and our ego while strengthening our intellect

The last section is quite interesting as it shows the power of gratitude and how to build relationships with help of that. It shows that if you are pleased with yourself, everyone will love to stay with you.

I brought the book because of recommendations from my friends and the amazon algorithm, but it's not that's up to the mark. Many times the author has just copy and paste things there were many parts where I got a hell lot of bored and just skip it.



If you have never read any self-help book in your life, then it's better to grab this book, but if you are like me reading a dozen self-help books then you will hardly find anything new in this. Read at your own risk.


Greatness starts with being grateful 💓

The book shows some vital elements to enable you to truly love yourself and how you can transform negative emotions into positive ones.💓

Earlier I thought of this book as any other self-help book lying on my bookshelf. However, reading it slowly I realized that this is not true and hope you too will agree.💓

The book starts with a little introduction about the author and his earliest childhood memories, which were not good at all due to financial problems plus his black skin which made the matter worse.💓

Then he tells about the importance of letting go of wrong people from your life and having self-love I.e. adding only those things and people which add value to your life.💓

The book is divided into six parts then 👇

1) A Matter of Vibes 🌷

2) Positive lifestyle Habits 🌷

3) Make yourself a priority🌷

4) Accepting Yourself🌷

5) Manifesting Goal: Mind Work🌷

6) Taking Action.🌷

Each part has 4 or 5 sub-sections in which the author first shares his life story or an experience and then gives a lesson to readers from that.💓

Some chapters like " Power of good partner", "Respect your uniqueness", "Change requires action" had a great effect on my thinking and I have started practicing it in my life.💓


Don’t stop when you are tired. Stop when you are done.


Preview 👇

Can't hurt me is the story of David Goggin a man who goes on the way from a frightened boy to a member of the hardest and deadliest force in the world i.e. SEAL.

In the book, he shares his life story and gives 6 challenges to the readers who want to get out of their comfort zone and reach their full potential.


Story detail 👇

David was a shy guy in his childhood who used to get bullied as well as beaten by his father who was a drunkard and used to behave rudely with the entire family. Soon things became out of control and he and his mother left the house.

They shifted to their grandmother's house where he started going to school. Being the only black child in the school, he was used to bullying a lot.

Making his way to the SEAL was a tough task. You have to pass the "Hell week" where one has to bear all kinds of physical and mental tough exercises like staying awake the whole night in the water. Doing 100+push ups and much more. He failed in his first attempt due to medical reasons but made but succeed the second time.

His entire story can be an inspiration for the ones who are lazy or having a blaming attitude. Be courageous and take charge of your life.


What you can learn from the book 👇

Challenge 1) = Make a journal, write down the factor which limits your growth plus write down every shit thing which has happened to you

Challenge 2) = We all lie to others as well as to ourselves also. So go in front of the mirror and tell your honest situation yourself. Its called the Accountability mirror

Challenge 3) = Dig out your journal again and write down all the things you don’t like to do or that make you uncomfortable.

Challenge 4) = Whoever you’re dealing with, your goal is to make them watch you achieve

what they could never have done themselves. Take their negativity and use it to dominate the task.

It's one of the best self-help books I have ever read. The thing I like most is that every tips and trick given in the book are particles and from the author's own life, No boring research or theoretical tactics are there.


Favorite line = 🌷Outliers are those who have been given opportunities—and who have had the strength and presence of mind to seize them.🌷



The book is about the luck factor that plays an important role in success. It shows the story of a few successful people who were no doubt talented but their luck also plays an important role in their path to success.


Key points 👇

1) Opportunity

Their something more important in life than talent or IQ it's an opportunity. People like Bill Gates were talented but they were also at the right place and at the right time that's why they achieve such incredible success. If they were born in Kenya they wouldn't be that successful.

So never take 100% credit for your success.

2) 10,000 hours law

Although you have opportunities it won't work because an idea without execution is worthless and that requires practice.

Law states that to achieve mastery in any field you have to give 10,000 hours of practice.

Here the author is talking about world mastery it's approx 10years that will make you a world master in any field

3) Practical intelligence

Practical intelligence is about Communicating, leadership, and decision-making skills.

If you want to achieve success in any field Practical intelligence plays a big role in it.

4) Power indexed

Obeying the authority is taught us from the beginning but giving too much power to them can ruin your life. The author tries to portrait this by the incident of airplane crash where subordinate fear the capital and could not tell the correct fault which leads to the death of hundreds of people

Respect your superiors but never be afraid of them.


The book is best for college-going youth as it teaches that to get ahead in life there are various other factors than our college grade or network of people.

Bouns fact about the book👇

The book was debuted at number one on the bestseller lists for "The New York Times" holding the position on the former for eleven consecutive weeks.


Following these self-help books will surely change your life if you read and apply the principle but keep in mind that reading is not an end goal it is just a starting, what you do after reading will decide how your life will change.

Happy Reading



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